24 +5
10 +5
10 +3
10 +1
Mononymous people
9 +1
Wearing gloves at work
9 |
Forenames as surnames
5 +2
6 +1
5 +1
5 |
4 +1
Left handers
5 |
5 |
Consecutive initials
4 |
Dead people
3 +1
3 +1
Faces not recognised by players
4 |
First language ≠ English
4 |
Forenames shorter than surname
3 +1
Names with identical syllables
4 |
No Category Given
2 +2
Spectacle wearers
3 +1
3 |
3 |
Born in the UK
3 |
Dead before 60
3 |
Double letters
3 |
2 +1
Names of equal length
3 |
Names without repeated letters
2 +1
1 +2
Over 40s
2 +1
Personally met
3 |
Physical contact with players
2 +1
Rhyming names
3 |
Surname namesakes with comedians
2 +1
Surnames shared with U.S. Presidents
2 +1
2 +1
Working with balls
2 +1
"Funny" voices
2 |
Aged 50+
2 |
Animals within name
1 +1
Animated characters
1 +1
2 |
Biblical forenames
2 |
Birds in names
1 +1
Body parts within name
2 |
Born after 2000
2 |
Born north of London
2 |
Continental Europeans
2 |
Countries within name
2 |
Died in America
2 |
Died of unnatural causes
2 |
Dog owners
2 |
2 |
Film appearances
1 +1
First initial later in alphabet than second initial
1 +1
Foods as names
1 +1
2 |
Forenames unknown by players
2 |
Green people
2 |
Identical vowels in both names
2 |
Initials shared by players
2 |
Items of clothing within name
2 |
Jobs/trades as surnames
2 |
Met by all players
2 |
2 |
Multiple marriages
2 |
Names as complete sentences
2 |
Names containing school subjects
2 |
Names starting + ending with same letter
2 |
Names with 'the'
2 |
Names with 'Z'
2 |
Names with double letters
2 |
Names with one vowel
2 |
Non-birth names
1 +1
Oxbridge graduates
1 +1
People met by 2+ players
1 +1
People with famous siblings
1 +1
2 |
Previously played
2 |
Regularly working in London
1 +1
Single syllable forenames + surnames
2 |
Surname - letter = verb
0 +2
Surnames as mostly vowels
1 +1
Surnames made of two separate words
2 |
Taller than 6ft
2 |
Three syllable forenames and surnames
1 +1
Tournament winners
2 |
Verbs as forenames
1 +1
Verbs as surnames
2 |
1 +1
Visited Bath
2 |
Wikipedia entries containing 'flow'
2 |
With famous family
1 +1
With tails
2 |
Working with partners
2 |
World leaders
2 |
1 |
"Circuit" workers
1 |
"Go into" names
1 |
"Interesting" faces
1 |
"Pleasant" verbs in name
1 |
"Possessions" as surnames
1 |
"Sentences" involving two people
1 |
"Supreme physical specimens"
1 |
"Time travellers"
1 |
1 |
⩽3 letter difference between names
1 |
1960s celebrities
1 |
1980s trophy winners
1 |
3+ matching letters in both names
1 |
3+ near death experiences
1 |
4+ Os
1 |
6ft or taller
1 |
80+ or deceased
0 +1
Abbreviated forenames
1 |
Able to slice cucumbers in work attire
1 |
Aboard private jet
1 |
Acting roles as police
1 |
1 |
Adjectives in surname
1 |
Alive at same time as Adolf Hitler
1 |
Alive during 1920s
0 +1
Almost certainly never been on train
1 |
Alternating consonant-vowel names
1 |
Alternating consonant-vowel surnames
1 |
Alternating consonants/vowels
0 +1
Always accompanied by guardian
1 |
American women (and you get the idea, so relax)
1 |
Animals as names
1 |
Animals within names
1 |
0 +1
Appearance of players in first 10 Google Image search results
1 |
Appearances in adverts
1 |
Appearances in UK top 40 as vocalist
1 |
Appearances on a UK top 40 single
1 |
Appearances on singing talent shows
1 |
Appearances on Strictly Come Dancing or International equivalent
1 |
Appears as regular on BBC drama series
1 |
Art sold
1 |
Artists performing at the O2
1 |
At top of hill
1 |
Attended school in London
0 +1
Attended university
1 |
1 |
August birthdays
1 |
Author's books owned by players
1 |
1 |
Authors on Amazon
1 |
Authors with 1m+ books sold
1 |
Awful or lawful
1 |
Bald / with bald patch
1 |
Ball players
1 |
Band Aid artists
1 |
Barbecueable surnames
1 |
0 +1
1 |
1 |
Been in the White House
1 |
Been in Turkey
1 |
Been to Canada
1 |
Best known for something really naughty
1 |
Biblical characters
0 +1
Biblical figures
1 |
Biblical names
1 |
Big height differences with associates
1 |
1 |
Birds or bats as names
1 |
Birthday party guests
1 |
Birthdays known by players
1 |
1 |
Boat owners
1 |
Body parts in name
1 |
Born and dead within same century
1 |
Born before 1900
1 |
Born before 1950
1 |
Born before death of Lenin
1 |
Born before founding of Cadbury
1 |
Born before invention of camera
1 |
Born before Stephen Hawkin
1 |
Born in a European Union country
1 |
Born in Africa
1 |
Born in Canada
1 |
Born in country hotter than England
1 |
Born in England
0 +1
Born in Ireland
1 |
Born in non-UK commonwealth country
1 |
Born in Wales
1 |
Born north of Birmingham
1 |
Born south of Paris
1 |
Born within 50 miles of Birmingham
1 |
Born within 70 miles of Bristol
1 |
Born/died in same century
1 |
1 |
Both names ending with a vowel
1 |
Bowl cut hairstyles
1 |
British emigrants
1 |
Britons aged 10-39
1 |
Canadian citizenship
1 |
Cape wearers
1 |
0 +1
Carrying things for work
1 |
Celebrities with celebrity spouse
1 |
Characters portrayed by human
1 |
1 |
1 |
Christmas-related names
1 |
Closely associated with food
1 |
1 |
Colours within names
1 |
0 +1
Common forenames
1 |
Commonwealth born
1 |
Consonants starting and ending surnames
1 |
Convicted of a crime
0 +1
Costumes on Amazon with 3+ parts
1 |
Crazy hair
1 |
Credited songwriters
0 +1
Crying in photos
1 |
Current players
1 |
Currently bearded
0 +1
Currently ineligible to vote
1 |
Currently living aged 62+
1 |
Cutlery within name (not including feet)
1 |
1 |
Days or months as names
1 |
Dead before 70
1 |
Dead in their 30s
1 |
Deaths before 1820
1 |
Deaths before 1990
1 |
1 |
Deceased before invention of camera
0 +1
Deconstructed Santa costumes
1 |
Definite visitors to Germany
1 |
Definite visitors to Italy
1 |
Depicted as drawing
0 +1
Depicted as figurine
1 |
Depicted as statue in a famous "pose"
1 |
Depicted by a river
0 +1
Depicted in 2020-2022 TV show
0 +1
Depicted in film
1 |
Described within song
1 |
Descriptors within name
1 |
Diagnosed with COVID-19
1 |
Difficult to spell surnames
1 |
Documented fighting
1 |
Dog-related names
1 |
1 |
Double-barrelled names
1 |
Drinking friends
1 |
Driving at work
1 |
1 |
Dual citizenship
1 |
Dubai residents
0 +1
1 |
Edinburgh Festival Fringe performers
1 |
Edinburgh performers
0 +1
Effectively unique forename/surname
1 |
Effectively unique forenames
1 |
Effectively unique surnames
1 |
Emigrated from England after 5+ years
0 +1
Employed by BBC
0 +1
End syllables rhyming with transport
1 |
English accents north of Birmingham
1 |
English homophones
1 |
Entertainment agencies
0 +1
Eponymous food/drink brands
1 |
Eponymous TV shows
1 |
Equal length forenames and surnames
1 |
Ever found very high in the sky
1 |
Ever under same roof as Key
1 |
1 |
Examples of handwriting
1 |
Exclamations as surnames
1 |
Experienced 4.0+ magnitude earthquake
1 |
1 |
Eye contact with Key
1 |
Fair haired people
1 |
Famous after 2010
1 |
Famous after talent show appearance
1 |
Famous at 15
1 |
Famous fathers
1 |
Famous for wearing striped tops
1 |
Famous in 1970
1 |
Famous parents
1 |
Famous siblings
1 |
Famous spouses
0 +1
1 |
First + last letter of name in same half of alphabet
1 |
First and last letter of either name are consecutive in alphabet
1 |
First and last letters of name also those of month
1 |
First initial + surname = word
1 |
First initial earlier in alphabet than second initial
1 |
First initial in surname
1 |
First initials that match players
1 |
First language = US English
1 |
First letters 16+ away from last, in alphabet
1 |
First three letters of forename match someone from Nativity
1 |
Fit bods
1 |
Food across name
1 |
Food as surnames
1 |
Footballers from old days
0 +1
Footwear within name
1 |
Forename - letter = "classic" name
1 |
Forename - letter = new forename
1 |
Forename + letter = "classic" name
1 |
Forename + surnames ending in vowels
0 +1
Forename namesakes not met by players
1 |
Forename namesakes with siblings
1 |
Forenames + extra letter = opposite sex
1 |
Forenames and surnames ending in vowels
1 |
Forenames and surnames ending in Y
0 +1
Forenames and surnames ending with two vowels
1 |
Forenames and surnames of equal length
1 |
Forenames as car lifting equipment
1 |
Forenames as potential full names
1 |
Forenames containing letters of 'eel'
1 |
Forenames dangleable from surname
1 |
Forenames in the Bible
1 |
Forenames rhyming with countries
1 |
Forenames rhyming with F1 champ surnames
1 |
Forenames rhyming with other forenames
1 |
Forenames rhyming with primary colours
1 |
Forenames scoring up to 8 in Scrabble
1 |
Forenames shared with disciples
1 |
Forenames shared with UK monarchs
1 |
Forenames that can be surnames
1 |
Forenames usually for opposite gender
1 |
Forenames whose first two letters = American state
1 |
Forenames with 8+ letters
1 |
Forenames with last letter furthest in alphabet
1 |
Forenames with multiple spellings
1 |
Forenames with one letter occurring twice
1 |
Forenames with two vowels consecutively
1 |
Forenames without consonants B-L
1 |
Forms of transport within name
1 |
Found muddy
1 |
Found with anyone called Jack
1 |
1 |
French numbers within name
1 |
From "olden days"
1 |
From northern England
1 |
From Southern Hemisphere
0 +1
From the Americas
0 +1
Fruit/vegetable anagrams as surnames
1 |
Full names ending in vowel
1 |
Funny haircuts
1 |
Game/panel/quiz show hosts
1 |
Gaps between their front teeth (disatemata)
1 |
Getting wet at work
1 |
Glamorous women
1 |
Good heads of hair
1 |
Grey haired people
1 |
1 |
Had sex with 20+ people
1 |
Hair longer than chin level
1 |
Hair-related words within name
1 |
Hairier than Horne
1 |
Hairy chests seen by 2+ players
1 |
Have met / are Mert Aksac
1 |
Heard on radio
1 |
Hearts smaller than a plumb
1 |
Heavier than 16 stone
1 |
Helpers at work carrying things
0 +1
Holding item with two hands at work
1 |
Holding things at work
1 |
Homoglyphs as initials
1 |
Homophones related to boats
1 |
Horse riding at work
1 |
Identical initials
0 +1
Identical second + penultimate letters in forename
1 |
If you put the letters of the first name on to beer mats - one on each beer mat - and then you put the letters of the second name on to beer mats - one on each beer mat - and if you put the J on the E or something, all the ones on the first word go on to the ones on the second word, you can cover the second word
1 |
IMDb movie credits
1 |
Immortalised in song
1 |
In photo taken by players
1 |
In same job as father
1 |
In their 40s
1 |
In trios
1 |
Inaccurate adjectives as surnames
1 |
Inaccurate names
1 |
Initials + "IT" = another word
1 |
Initials + last letter = word
1 |
Initials as American cities
1 |
Initials beginning with A-D
1 |
Initials beginning with W/J
1 |
Initials in first half of alphabet
1 |
Initials in same half of alphabet
1 |
Initials in second half of alphabet
0 +1
Initials shared with Beatle/Rolling Stone
1 |
Initials shared with country
1 |
Initials shared with newspaper
1 |
Initials shared with players' mothers
1 |
Initials shared with snooker world champions
1 |
Initials that can be played in scrabble
1 |
Initials worth 4+ points in Scrabble
1 |
Intense news interviews
1 |
Interviewed by John Humphrys
1 |
Involved in a physical fight
1 |
Involved with food at work
1 |
Items of clothing starting with first three letters of surname
1 |
Jobs are forenames
1 |
Jobs preceding names
1 |
1 |
Known by uncommon number of names
1 |
Known for a fall
1 |
Large bellies
1 |
Last syllable is/rhymes with number
0 +1
Lead actors in films
1 |
Lead vocalists
1 |
Leaving job on live television
1 |
Letters of 'shop' within name
1 |
Letters of animals within forename or surname
1 |
Letters of supermarket within name
1 |
Letters of swear words in correct order
1 |
Letters repeated consecutively
0 +1
Letters unique to forename or surname
1 |
Lion body parts as surnames
1 |
Little people
1 |
Live UK stage performances in 2020
1 |
Lived in London
0 +1
Lived with footballer
1 |
Living elsewhere than a "house"
1 |
Living felons
1 |
Living in London
1 |
Living outside birth country for 1+ year
1 |
Living outside birth country for 3+ years
1 |
Living within 1 mile from sea
1 |
Locateable on given date
1 |
London Marathon runners
1 |
1 |
Long and thin names
1 |
Long distance runners
1 |
Longer than 6' 6" when lying on beach
1 |
1 |
1 |
Married to comedy performers
1 |
Masks available on Amazon
1 |
Matching vowels in both names
1 |
Mathematical homonyms
1 |
Mathematics graduates
1 |
1 |
Meat within name
1 |
Men in 60s
1 |
Men without Premier League namesakes
1 |
Mentioned before opening category
1 |
Mentioned pre-1900
0 +1
Met a U.S. President
1 |
Met Aled Jones
1 |
Met by Horne's mother-in-law
1 |
Met by Key
1 |
Met by Phillip Breen
1 |
Met by players
0 +1
Met by Watson
1 |
Met English monarchs
1 |
Met Pelé
1 |
Met Tim Vine
1 |
Metals within name
1 |
1 |
0 +1
Monochrome images within first 10 Google image search results
1 |
Monosyllabic names
1 |
Monosyllabic/shit names
1 |
More famous for voice than face
1 |
Most famous use of forenames
1 |
Mostly shown wearing blue top
1 |
Mostly shown with knees exposed
1 |
1 |
Murder witnesses
1 |
Musical artists recognised by Alexa
1 |
Name - 2 letters = adjective
1 |
Name - letter = other celebrity
0 +1
Name + letter = country
1 |
Names "making more sense" reversed
1 |
Names = 75% consonants
1 |
Names ~20 letters long
1 |
Names 10+ letters long
1 |
Names 15+ letters long
1 |
Names appearing in a song
1 |
Names as dictionary words
1 |
Names as French words
1 |
Names as large town/cities
1 |
Names as main Friends characters
1 |
Names as months
1 |
Names as town/cities
0 +1
Names as wordmarks
1 |
Names containing 'der'
1 |
Names containing 'end'
1 |
Names containing 'no'/'yes'
1 |
Names containing body parts
1 |
Names containing letters of 'Merson'
1 |
Names containing letters of month
1 |
Names containing Teletubbies
1 |
Names depicted large on high streets
0 +1
Names ending in T
1 |
Names entirely made of other words
1 |
Names fewer than three letters
1 |
Names Horne has never met
1 |
Names impossible to spell in Scrabble
1 |
Names in alphabetical order
1 |
Names in nursery rhymes
1 |
Names on book covers
1 |
Names one letter away from 'lard'
1 |
Names one letter away from "expected" name
1 |
Names one letter away from an animal
1 |
Names one letter out from a fish
1 |
Names played in Christmas specials
1 |
Names possible to append with 'wheel'
1 |
Names related to money
1 |
Names rhyming with vegetables
1 |
Names shared with cartoon animals
1 |
Names shared with English monarchs
1 |
Names shared with Really Wild Show hosts
0 +1
Names shared with UK monarchs
1 |
Names shorter than 3 letters
1 |
Names starting and ending with same letter
1 |
Names that can be turned
1 |
Names that don't start with a forename
1 |
Names that start and end with the same letter
1 |
Names wholly made from other words
1 |
Names with 'A'
1 |
Names with 'A'/'THE'
1 |
Names with 'D'
1 |
Names with 'G', 'M' or 'U'
1 |
Names with 'J'
1 |
Names with 'log' or 'gol'
1 |
Names with 'man'
1 |
Names with 'no', 'more', or 'jockeys'
1 |
Names with 'S'
1 |
Names with 'sh' sound
1 |
Names with 'U'
1 |
Names with "er" / "um" / "uh"
1 |
Names with 12+ letters
1 |
Names with 15+ letters
1 |
Names with 2+ Is
1 |
Names with 3 consecutive consonants
1 |
Names with 3+ components
1 |
Names with 3+ letters repeated in forename and surname
1 |
Names with 3+ vowels
1 |
Names with A and Z
0 +1
Names with a letter repeated 3+ times
1 |
Names with A/Z
1 |
Names with cold things
1 |
Names with consecutive Os
1 |
Names with consecutive Os (unless there's a "nose")
1 |
Names with double vowels
0 +1
Names with equal number of syllables
1 |
Names with even number of letters
1 |
Names with fewer than two letters
1 |
Names with hot items within
1 |
Names with matching initials
1 |
Names with one type of vowel
1 |
Names with T + H + E
1 |
Names with two 3+ letter words
1 |
Names with V-Z
1 |
Names with X, Y, or Z
1 |
Names within book titles
1 |
Names within name
1 |
Names without anagrams
1 |
Names without non-repeating letters
0 +1
1 |
Namesakes known by players
0 +1
Namesakes with 1990 FIFA World Cup England squad
1 |
Namesakes with 4+ major literary pieces
1 |
Namesakes with cities
1 |
Namesakes with crisps
0 +1
Namesakes with English monarchs
1 |
Namesakes with losing US presidential candidates
1 |
Namesakes with main Friends cast
1 |
Namesakes with players' aunts/uncles
1 |
Namesakes with Premier League players
1 |
Namesakes with The Beatles
1 |
Namesakes with trains in Thomas & Friends
1 |
Natural blondes
1 |
Needing to wear a hat
1 |
Net worth over £10 million
1 |
Never downloaded a podcast
1 |
Never eaten cereal
1 |
Never flushed toilet
1 |
Never had a margarita
1 |
Never had driving licence
1 |
Never seen an aeroplane
1 |
Never used microwave
1 |
Never visited a restaurant
0 +1
Never worn jeans
1 |
No More Jockeys appearances
1 |
No More Jockeys viewers
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Non-English Britons
0 +1
Non-English speakers
1 |
Non-human feet
0 +1
1 |
Non-native English speakers
1 |
North Americans
1 |
North/South Americans
1 |
Not alive
1 |
Not famous before 2000
0 +1
Not human
1 |
Not in employment
1 |
Not wearing conventional tops
1 |
Number of letters = prime number
1 |
Number of letters divisible by 3
1 |
Number of letters divisible by 5
0 +1
Obituaries containing "much-loved"
1 |
Of school age
1 |
Of their siblings met by players
1 |
Often holding wood
1 |
Often in group or team
1 |
Old People
1 |
Older than David Gower
0 +1
Older than Horne
0 +1
Older than Key
1 |
1 |
On BBC One/Two on 30 November 2021
1 |
On board a boat
0 +1
On t-shirt sold on Amazon
1 |
On terrestrial TV yesterday
1 |
One of best in chosen field
1 |
One-piece work outfits covering legs and arms
1 |
Orange items within name
1 |
Over 50s
1 |
Over 60s
1 |
Over 80s/Dead
0 +1
Over the top surnames
1 |
Over-50s or dead
1 |
Oxbridge colleges as surnames
1 |
Pairs of double letters
1 |
Part of "naughty" couples
1 |
Parts of names you can do on an egg
1 |
1 |
People born before 1000 A.D.
1 |
People eligible to play for Ireland
1 |
People in films
1 |
People in their 40s
1 |
People prettier than their names
1 |
People taller than 6ft
1 |
People who have ever smoked
1 |
People who haven't said 'hello' in 21stC
1 |
People who wear gloves at work
0 +1
People who've never used a computer
1 |
People with 2+ middle names
1 |
People with agents
0 +1
People with catchphrases
1 |
People, who, you buy a pot from John Lewis, and then you write all the names, all the letters of the name in a pen, on stamps, then take them out of the pot, and then you put them on your table, and you can arrange them, and there's a chance, however small, that you're landing up at the word 'robe'
1 |
Performed "main" activity in Canada
1 |
Personal Life stem on Wikipedia longer than four paragraphs
1 |
Phone numbers known by 1+ player
1 |
Photographed applying make up
1 |
Photographed holding cuboid
1 |
Photographed in jungle
1 |
Photographed on grass holding plate
1 |
Photographed wearing all black
1 |
Photographed wearing all white
1 |
Photographed wearing shorts in Europe
1 |
Photographed wearing skates
1 |
Photographed with a horse
0 +1
Photographed with Barack Obama
1 |
Photographed with chocolate
1 |
Photographed with dog
1 |
Photographed with feet dangling
1 |
Photographed with John Barnes
1 |
Photographed with moustache
1 |
Photographed with onions
0 +1
Photographed with own handwriting
1 |
Photographed with Terry Nutkins
1 |
Photographed with Tom Hanks
1 |
Photographed working out in a gym
1 |
Physical contact with a prime minister
1 |
Pictured nearly nude
0 +1
1 |
1 |
Plurals as names
1 |
Plurals as surnames
1 |
Podcast guests
1 |
Politically incorrect speech
1 |
1 |
1 |
Potentially harmful items as names
1 |
Premier League (2019-20) players as surnames
1 |
Previously played 3+ times
1 |
Previously played 5+ times
0 +1
Primarily known for giving commands
1 |
Primarily wearing other than trousers below waist
1 |
Primary travelled by boat
1 |
1 |
Private jet owners
1 |
Professional cooks
1 |
Professional names
1 |
Professional sportsmen
1 |
Professional sportspeople
1 |
Professions with throwing
1 |
Provable tattoos
1 |
Publicly accessible houses
1 |
Published poets
1 |
0 +1
Qs in name
1 |
Question Time appearances
1 |
Really fast people
1 |
Really fun to say names
1 |
0 +1
0 +1
Regular hat wearers
1 |
Regularly with someone much bigger
1 |
Regularly works with animals
1 |
Related to players
0 +1
Relations within name
1 |
Remarkably neat hair
1 |
Renowned "spinsters"
1 |
Renowned for working with animals
1 |
Repeated vowels in surname
1 |
Reversed names = another forename
1 |
Reversed names as vegetables
1 |
Richer than sum of players
1 |
Royal Variety Performance Appearances
1 |
1 |
1 |
Running faster than players
1 |
Russian speakers
1 |
0 +1
Sack-owning partners
1 |
Same forename initials as players'
1 |
Same number of letters in both names
1 |
Same surames as film protagonists
1 |
1 |
Scottish parents
1 |
Scrabble letters scoring 8+
0 +1
1 |
Seen by 10 million+ simultaneously
1 |
Seen by Horne kicking a ball
0 +1
Seen by players playing sport on TV pre-2000
1 |
Seen Madness live
1 |
Seen on television during childhood
1 |
Self portraits
1 |
Shaken hands with all players
1 |
Shared a car with
1 |
Shared TV appearances
1 |
Shares initials with very high echelon celebrity
1 |
Sharing first initial with UK prime ministers within players' lifetime
1 |
Sharing names with Spice Girls
1 |
Short hair on women/long hair on men
1 |
Shortened forenames
0 +1
Shortened names
1 |
Shorter than 5'2"
1 |
Shorter than 5ft
1 |
Showing bare legs
1 |
Shown bare chested
1 |
Shown dancing
1 |
Shown dancing in footage
1 |
Shown eating same food on 5 occasions
1 |
Shown fishing
1 |
Shown flying
1 |
Shown grumpy/cross
0 +1
Shown helping animal
1 |
Shown holding cube
1 |
Shown holding items in both hands, one 10× heavier
1 |
Shown in a castle
1 |
Shown in blue
1 |
Shown in comic strip format
1 |
Shown in red shirt
1 |
Shown moving items a small distance
1 |
Shown on horse and bike
1 |
Shown painting/drawing
1 |
Shown playing piano
1 |
Shown punching
1 |
Shown sat next to a player
1 |
Shown sat next to Horne
1 |
Shown sat on wall
1 |
Shown shaking hands with a foreigner
1 |
Shown sitting in 5+ of first 10 Google image search results
1 |
Shown sleeping
1 |
Shown sticking tongue out
1 |
Shown swinging
1 |
Shown wearing leather
1 |
Shown wearing name
0 +1
Shown wearing necklace reading own name, 'kangaroo', or 'Mina Gough'
1 |
Shown wearing one glove
1 |
Shown wearing predominantly pink
1 |
Shown wearing same trousers 40+ times
0 +1
Shown wearing short skirt
1 |
Shown wearing white trousers
0 +1
Shown wearing white trousers in 5+ of Google image search results
1 |
Shown with a newborn
1 |
Shown with anything in hair in first 10 Google image search results
1 |
Shown with chocolate
1 |
Shown with England player
1 |
Shown with excess food
1 |
Shown with goatee
0 +1
Shown with knees exposed
1 |
Shown with live rabbit
1 |
Shown with map
1 |
Shown with microphone
1 |
Shown with peas
1 |
Shown with Phillip Schofield
1 |
Shown with podium
1 |
Shown with specialist case
1 |
Sitcom cameo appearances
1 |
Slang phrases
1 |
Smaller than Lucy Porter
1 |
Smart uniforms at work
0 +1
Smooth personalities
1 |
Soap opera appearances
1 |
Solid gold legends
1 |
Sounds like an adverb
0 +1
South Americans
1 |
Spitting Image puppets
1 |
Sports presenters
1 |
0 +1
Sportspeople born outside UK
1 |
Starting and ending with same letter
1 |
1 |
Subject of Shakespeare play
0 +1
Subject of written record of injuries
1 |
Subjects of biopic
1 |
Subjects of feature length documentaries
1 |
Sunday lunch foods as surnames
1 |
Surname + 1 letter = bad word
0 +1
Surname + 1 letter = mythical beast
1 |
Surname + letter = forename
1 |
Surname initial appears later in alphabet than forename initial
1 |
Surname namesakes with Olympic track & field gold medallists
1 |
Surname namesakes with US presidents
1 |
Surname namesakes with Wimbledon singles finalists since 2001
1 |
Surname namesakes with world snooker finalists since 1990
1 |
Surname rhyming with relative
0 +1
Surnames as adjectives
1 |
Surnames as anadromes
0 +1
Surnames as answer to "What are you doing?"
1 |
Surnames as British cities
1 |
Surnames as vessels to put head "in"
1 |
Surnames containing another word
1 |
Surnames ending with a vowel
1 |
Surnames longer than forename
1 |
Surnames one syllable away from sporting equipment
1 |
Surnames related to dessert brands
1 |
Surnames rhyming with England footballers
1 |
Surnames rhyming with players' surnames
1 |
Surnames rhyming with vegetables
1 |
Surnames shared with Scotland players
1 |
Surnames sounding like cricket terms
1 |
Surnames sounding like TV shows
1 |
Surnames starting with last letter of forename
0 +1
Surnames with repeated letters
1 |
Sweet, yummy surnames
1 |
Synonymous with one product
1 |
Taller than Horne
1 |
Testimonials on books to hand
1 |
Things to settle for when coming in
1 |
Three part names
1 |
Three Wikipedia pages of separation
1 |
1 |
Tight fitting clothes at work
1 |
1 |
Top 10 commonly played names
1 |
Total letters divisible by six
1 |
Tough guys
0 +1
Travelling faster than running speed
1 |
Trees within name
1 |
TV quiz show hosts
1 |
Tweets within past 48 hours
1 |
1 |
Two syllable forenames and surnames
1 |
Two syllable names
1 |
Two-letter combinations repeated across name
1 |
Two-syllable, one-syllable names
1 |
Unabbreviated forenames
1 |
Unable to operate lawnmower
1 |
Unable to own a watch
1 |
Unable to own PlayStation
1 |
Unable to play No More Jockeys
1 |
Unable to shake hands with
1 |
Unaware of frisbee
0 +1
Unaware of Melanie Sykes
1 |
Unaware of players
1 |
Unaware of Scotts
1 |
Under 20s
1 |
Under 25s
1 |
Under 30s
0 +1
Under 35s
0 +1
Under 3s
1 |
Under 40s
1 |
Under 50s
0 +1
Under 8s
1 |
Unique forenames
1 |
Units of measurement within name
1 |
Unknown forenames
1 |
Unknown to players pre-2021
1 |
Unknown to players pre-COVID-19
1 |
Unnatural hair colours
1 |
Unusual forenames starting 'normally'
1 |
Using chalk at work
1 |
Usually known by forename alone
1 |
1 |
1 |
Verbs (+ homophones) as forenames
1 |
Verbs and nouns in forename
1 |
Verbs as names
1 |
Verbs in forenames
1 |
Verbs within name
1 |
Very slim men
1 |
Very strong swimmers
1 |
Virgos / Pisces / Born on Christmas Day
1 |
Visible knees while working
1 |
Visited Australia
0 +1
Visited Cambridge
1 |
Visited Manchester
1 |
1 |
1 |
Vowels for initials
1 |
Vowels in alphabetical order
1 |
Walking as intrinsic part of job
1 |
Wearing boots higher than wellingtons
1 |
Wearing bow tie
0 +1
Wearing hats for work
1 |
Wearing helmets at work
1 |
Wearing horizontal stripes
1 |
Wearing protective clothing at work
1 |
Wearing shorts for work
0 +1
Wearing skates for work
1 |
Wearing spectacles for work
1 |
Wearing swimming costumes at work
1 |
Wearing unorthodox clothing
1 |
Weather terminology
1 |
Weddings attended by players
1 |
Weights in name
0 +1
1 |
Who have never been on an aeroplane
1 |
Who have never held a mobile phone
1 |
Who have said players' names on stage
1 |
Who won't eat meat
1 |
Whole names found on clothing
1 |
Whose immediate family met by a player
1 |
Whose initials are same letter
1 |
Wikipedia entries containing 'created'
1 |
Wikipedia entries containing 'drugs'
1 |
Wikipedia entries containing 'poem'
1 |
Wikipedia entries containing 'upside down'
1 |
Wikipedia entries with 'Controversy' stem
1 |
Winners in France
1 |
With 2+ Bs in name / shown with bees
1 |
With 2+ sisters
1 |
With 3+ appearances on panel shows
1 |
With 3+ children
1 |
With catchphrases
1 |
With famous son
1 |
With fathers known by players
1 |
With fewer than two namesakes
1 |
With foreign-born spouse
1 |
With more famous in family
1 |
With more than six degrees of separation
1 |
With only one thing covering skin
1 |
With pigtails
1 |
With seven known friends
1 |
With tattoos
1 |
With three consecutive letters in alphabet (circle method)
1 |
With time of day within name
1 |
With tribute acts
1 |
With TV personality siblings
1 |
With udders
1 |
Within 3 years of players' ages
1 |
Within 5 years of players' ages
1 |
Within David Suchet Wikipedia entry
1 |
Without 5+ namesakes
1 |
Without bank account
0 +1
Without defined appearance
1 |
Without namesakes
1 |
Without proof of existence
1 |
Without pulses
1 |
Without social life
1 |
Women over 50
1 |
Words found within name and inside trousers, and makes you think "Fair play"
1 |
Worked in New York
1 |
Working with live audience of 500+
1 |
0 +1
Written 10+ books
0 +1
Wrong era 😉
1 |
Y in forename + O in surname
1 |
Yellow things within names
1 |
1 |
Younger than Horne
1 |
Younger than players
0 +1
Youngest of three siblings
1 |